The 14¢ vitamin cure
that saves
your But more than anything, it’s our knees that seem to get it the worst. In fact, as a woman you’re twice as likely as a man to suffer from arthritis in your knees! If you suffer from knee arthritis, you may no longer be able to bend and move like you used to. You may notice it’s harder to climb stairs, sit down, or stand up. Over time, you could end up barely able to walk at all. Or before your knees get that bad, you could become one of the 300,000 Americans who opt for knee replacement surgery each year — and risk a potentially deadly infection, heart attack, or stroke! How to avoid drugs and surgery For more than 25 years, I’ve used natural remedies to treat patients whenever possible instead of conventional therapies like drugs or surgery. Not only are they much safer and often more effective, they can save you a bundle. That’s why I want you to know about a better solution that can save your knees. It’s much less risky and less expensive than surgery and pain-masking medications. And it works better since it treats the cause of your arthritis — not its symptoms. So you get rid of your pain for good! What’s more, unlike other supplements this 14-cent vitamin cure offers you a total solution. For example, while glucosamine and chondroitin can help rebuild your joints, most people find they do nothing to relieve pain. Meanwhile, this common vitamin not only makes your joints and knee tissue stronger, it stops your pain and helps you walk more easily. What is this common vitamin?
Doctor. Researcher. Writer. Friend. These four words best describe Nan Kathryn Fuchs, Ph.D. and her dedication to helping women live healthier lives. As editor of WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER, "Dr. Nan" brings wisdom, honesty, cutting-edge information, and no-nonsense advice to tens of thousands of women each month. For over 30 years, Dr. Nan has been at the forefront of women's health issues. She co-founded one of the first holistic health centers in the United States in the 1970s. Dr. Nan is acclaimed as the "Voice of Reason for Women's Health" throughout the country and around the world. In 2000, she took over the helm at Women's Health Letter, one of the nation's most respected health advisories. |